Thursday, February 11, 2010

Allison's Diverse Sources

Source 1

1.  "I guess the gas prices can be a little bit overwhelming, but other than that they haven't affected me because I don't own a house or pay taxes yet."
2.  "No, because I get grants and loans.  They cover my all of my tuition and my books."
3.  "Definitely, I don't go out to eat as much.  I don't drink as much alcohol either, I go out maybe once a month.  I also don't get travel as much to see my family because they live so far and gas gets really expensive.
4.  "People should be more motivated to further their education, and learn more skills in companies they work for.  I also think that people misuse welfare and it messes up the system."

Source 2
My Name: Allison Sheffield

1.  "Believe it or not, the economy has not affected us, we've been more busy than we ever have this past year, but the weather has been affecting our work for the past two weeks."
---Has the economic recession had an efect on your ability to pay for any specific bills?
2.  "No, all of my bills are paid.  Actually, before we pay ourselves we make sure to pay our employees first."
3.  "No, my spending habits haven't changed but I have tried to be smarter with my money."
4.  "For one thing, I think patience because it is not going to change over night.  Obama came into office with enough problems already there.  The problems can't be solved as quickly as people expect them to be.  Everyone just needs to be patient."

Source 3
My Name: Allison Sheffield

1. "The prices of our apartments, water, and food have gone sky high."
2.  "Sometimes our electric bill is difficult, but we try to save as much money as possible."
3.  "We hold back money from some of our paychecks for our bills, so we make sure we have enough before we get the next paycheck."
4.  "The government spends too much money on bullcrap.  They should lower their spending habits."

Interview Quotes for Ty Bates

Source Name: Michael Bishop

Race: Anglo

Gender: Male

Age: 37

Occupation: Dell, Planner Analyst (5 years)

Part Time Graduate Student (computer science)

Income: High

Hometown: Round Rock, TX

1. “ Put a real damper on raises and bonuses.”

“No salary increase but bills are increasing.”

“I normally got 2 raises a year, but now we haven’t gotten any for almost a year.”

2. “Last semester it took me a semester and a half to pay for one semester of school.” “I had loans on my undergrad degree, but student loans are evil.”

3. “I don’t eat out as much, but it’s actually a good side effect because it’s healthier and saves money.”

“It’s good to keep the money in the house for things like only groceries and the basics.”

4. “The people who have the desire to help are on the same boat as the people who need help.”

“There’s really nothing you can do now. It has to be fixed from the top.”

Source Name: Amanda Williams

Race: Anglo

Gender: Female

Age: 23

Occupation: Student, Senior Accounting Major

Sam’s Club, Part Time Job

Income: Low

Hometown: Shiner, TX

1. “I definitely have less entertainment because I can’t afford to go out as much.”

“My rent is higher but I still make the same amount of money.”

2. “I seems I have been getting less student loans and they are not covering my tuition. I have to rely on credit cards which is bad.”

“It’s harder to come up with money to get books and extra things.”

4. “Bring credit card interest rate down because that makes things worse.”

Source Name: Teri Gilbert

Race: Bi-racial

Gender: Female

Age: 30

Occupation: Full Time PFW Teacher

Single Parent

Income: Middle

1. “I own a house and wanted it to sell it last year but I have to put that off for now.”

3. “I have a problem called shopping. I had to cut way back on shopping and it’s hard because I like nice things for me and my son.”

4. “I have credit card debt and they are not willing to help. I think they should lower the interest rates and help with debt relief.”

Eco quotes- Julianne

Callie Walker's Sources

My name: Callie Walker

Source name: Lee Formaggini
Race - Hispanic
Gender - Male
Age - 23
Hometown - Dallas, Texas
Occupation - leasing agent for the Heights 2 apartments, senior General Studies major at Texas State
Income - undetermined
Q1 - "On me, not so much yet because I'm still dependant on my parents and I do have a full-time job, so not as much of an effect as some other people I know."
Q2 - "No, my parents pay for school."
Q3 - "Very much so! I have adjusted how I personally use my money by not eating out as much, not going to Austin as much, spending less at bars by limiting the amount of money I take and leaving my credit card at home. I've saved a lot of money by doing this. I have mainly just altered how I handle entertainment spending."
Q4 - "I'm really not sure how to answer. The government is screwed up anyway, but if they try to do more they are just going to make us pay for it anyway with taxes, so I think that the government trying to do bailouts might not be the best thing. I'm kind of torn. I think the government should help people who really need it, but I don't think they should help out bigger companies like GM with bailouts, because the people who end up having to pay for it are the people who really need the money and aren't getting it."

Source name - Ryan Cargil
Race - Anglo
Gender - Male
Age - 19
Occupation - Student
Q1 - "I'm drinking less coffee now. I lost my job and now I can't find another one."
Q2 - "I have to spend less on food, coffee and fun things."
Q3 - "I've just tried to save more money by not buying as much coffee or eating out as often."
Q4 - "I think people should not spend so much money and start saving it for things that matter!"

Source name - Debbie Hernandez
Race - Hispanic
Gender - female
Generation - 26-35
Hometown - San Marcos, Texas
Occupation - clerk at the Sac N Pac at 1302 West Hopkins Street in San Marcos
Income - low
Q1 - "It was really bad at first. I had to get 2 jobs to support my kids."
Q2 - "I just enrolled in classes again this semester, so not yet."
Q3 - "I cut back on a lot of stuff for my kids, because I'm a single parent. My child support was reduced so I had to start watching how I spend money on things like gas and food and things for my children. I went to try to get assistance and they told me I wasn't qualified to get any help, so I got another job. It's been really hard on us."
Q4 - "I don't know, maybe with pay increases. We just need help!"

Brittany's sources!

My name - Brittany Thompson
Source name -
Race - Anglo
Gender - Male
Age - 19
Occupation - student
Income - undetermined
Q1 - "Very little, I mean, I don't work or anything, but my parents don't give me as much money so I can't supply my habits like smoking and eating quite as well."
Q2 - "Not really, my parents pay for it."
Q3 - "Well, I don't smoke 3 packs of cigarettes a day anymore because I can't afford them."
Q4 - "There just needs to be some type of program, I really don't know any way to describe it, they just need to help people. The best way I can put is if someone's struggling, lend a hand. Why wouldn't you? We're all American citizens. The American spirit, in my eyes, is to help one another and live your life!"

Source name -
Race - Hispanic
Gender - Female
Age - 36
Occupation - librarian
Hometown - San Marcos, Texas
Income - unspecified
Q1 - "Well it's sort of obvious, I mean, things are a little bit tighter. I'm just having to portion out my money a little bit more and adjust family stuff as well."
Q2 - "I'm not a student so I don't have to worry about college, but I have a 5-year-old daughter who isn't old enough yet, but if she were I would have a problem. I don't think it would be easy."
Q3 - "Basically, I pay more attention when I'm shopping at the grocery store. I'll think about things a little bit more. I tend to be holding on to money a little bit more."
Q4 - "There are a lot of people that are hungry, so they need to work on that. I know there's something called the gleaning network, it's in North Texas, like Dallas, but it would be good if they did that. What they do is take food like excess produce, and I'm not exactly sure how they do it, but they distribute it out. I would think there would be a way to figure that out because apparently food banks are being stretched to the limit. There are a lot of really hungry people, and I think they should start with that first, but that's me personally,"

Source name -
Race - Anglo
Gender - Female
Age - 36-50
Hometown - San Marcos, Texas
Occupation - government worker, mother of 5
Q1 - "The biggest effect I've noticed is every time we go to the grocery store, the prices fluctuate so we are really careful about price-checking before we go to the grocery store and try to use coupons."
Q2 - Not a college student
Q3 - "I don't do as much frivolous shopping as I used to."
Q4 - "I think that if anything was going to help people that it should have been done through the their tax returns this year. They should have had some kind of stimulus to boost the economy."

Micah Maxwell Diverse Sources

Source #1
Name: Robert Taylor
Race: Caucasian
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Occupation: Unemployed; new graduate from Texas State University
Income: Low
Hometown: Tyler, TX

1. "I'm unemployed and in debt. I'm on the brink of homelessness-homelessness or welfare."
2. What is your most pressing bill to pay?
"Rent. It's made it hard to pay since I'm unemployed."
3."I've minimized my gas consumption in my car and I've also stopped spending on entertainment."
4."People should be taught to be more self-sufficient and less dependent. Buy local products to stimulate the local economies. Boycott major corporations that exploit the lower class, here and in other countries."

Source #2

Name: Leah Villalobos
Race: Hispanic
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Occupation: Student, ESS Major
Income: Didn't comment
Hometown: San Antonio, TX

1."It's made it a lot more difficult to pay my tuition. A LOT more difficult."
2."Yeah, I actually had to be given more financial aid and more loans."
3."I've had to cut down on my shopping!"
4. "Just make it better! [laughs] I don't really know."

Source #3

Name: Bre'Layshia Hodges
Race: African American
Occupation: Unemployed student-athletic training and mathematics (with teaching certificate) Freshman
Income: Middle
Hometown: Temple, TX

1. "The economic downturn hasn't had much of an impact on me, personally."
2. "Yes. My dad is a truck driver, so they are losing business, so his income isn't constant."
3." No, I've always been tight with my money."
4. "I think universities need to broaden the income for scholarships and provide more financial aid for students."

Economy Quotes

Source 1: Timothy Hair
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Location: San Marcos, Texas
Occupation: Student, Waiter

1. " Well my gas gauge is usually on a quarter of a tank instead of full. It [the recession] has had a bigger effect on my family because I'm still in school, but my parents have actual jobs. I know that my dad doesn't get paid as much anymore; they've cut his pay check. We've all had to make a lot of personal sacrfices."

2. "No, not really. I am paying for school with financial aid, so I guess it will affect me in the future when I have to pay my loans back."

3. "I definitely shop cheaper. I've switched to Keystone instead of Bud Light. I can't go out to eat as often."

4. "Honestly, I think that corporations should expand work. Instead of machines making cars we could go back to assembly lines and open up more jobs. We could focus on whats going on here, in America, instead of spending so much money abroad."

Source 2: Christie Rovi
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Italian American
Location: hometown-Plano, Texas
Occupation: Student, Waitress

1. "In my job we've suffered from less business. Less people are going out to eat and choosing more wisely where they spend their money. Unfortunately, some people still choose to go out to eat and just don't tip, which makes it hard on the waiters. We don't make that much anyway."

2. "No, because my parents pay for college. I am very blessed."

3. "I basically try to budget my money better. I've had to learn how to prioritize what I spend my money on."

4. "Maybe businesses could lower the price of stuff because people can't spend as much. I know some restaurants are doing that."

Source 3: Paul Power
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Location: San Marcos
Occupation: Lab Assistant

1. "Nothing immediate to me personally."

2. "No it has not."

3. "My wife and I no longer pay for cable television and we follow a more strict budget in general. We've also started walking and taking to bus to school instead of driving."

4. "I think we just need to create more jobs somehow."

Diverse Sources

My name: John Maldonado
Source Name: Brenda Mota
Race: Hispanic
Gender: Female
Age: 46
Occupation: Teller @ Wells Fargo
Hometown: Corpus Christi, Texas
Income: Middle

1. "I lost my job. There were no jobs at all for me or my husband. That is why we moved to Austin"
2. n/a
3. "I can't say that I've adjusted anything, but I should"
4. "We need more job opportunities. They need to not pay all the higher ups like they do. They make way too much money. We also need to not bail out all the banks that caused this mess.

My name: John Maldonado
Source Name: Robin Szerbakowski
Race: Anglo
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Occupation: Art History Major (Jr.)/Customer Service @ Cartridge World
Hometown: Pflugerville, Texas
Income: Low

1. "Not much right now. To my better understanding I might lose my employment because people aren't spending as much with us. It will be in the near future if it happens."
2. "No it hasn't, financial aid and my family have been able to provide for my tuition needs."
3. "I have adjusted my habits. It's pretty simple. I don't buy any superfluous things. I only buy the necessary items and don't go out as mush, don't eat out as much, and don't buy as many clothes.
4. "I think the university could provide more jobs to students and provide some sort of discount on tuition for those who work."

My name: John Maldonado
Source Name: Florence Thomas
Race: African-American
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Occupation: Student- Biology Major (Fr.)
Hometown: Houston, Texas
Income: Low

1. "It is harder to get jobs and keep a job. It is also harder to get a job depending on your major."
2. "No. I get financial aid and if I need money I can call my grandma."
3. "Now I spend my money on other necessities. I spend it more wisely now. I still spend but I look for the discounts. I used to buy stuff no matter what the cost was."
4. "There is a lot that can be done, but the question should be what should not be done. The university should reduce fees that have nothing to do with us. The university says so many of the things they do are free but our tuition pays for these free things whether we use it or not."

Chase sources

My (your) name: Chase Hunter
Source Name: Bryan Morton
Race: Anglo
Gender: Male
Age: 18-25 (21)
Occupation: Senior economics major; Student worker
(Other helpful info)
Hometown: Dallas, TX
1. "The company my mom worked for, Expo Design Center, went out of business and she has been unemployed for the past four months. Being semi-dependent on my parents, it has affected me."
2. "No, I am still funding my tuition with loans."
3. "I have cut down on spending some, but not too much. I have had at least a part time job since the beginning of the economic downturn."
4. "The U.S. needs to allocate more of their time and resources towards helping the people. Sustainability is part of the solution. Focusing on sustainability will not only preserve the environment and reduce America's carbon foot print, but it will create jobs. It is also a great business opportunity."

My (your) name: Chase Hunter
Source Name: Kristian Wimberley
Race: Anglo
Gender: Female
Age: 18-25 (21)
Occupation: Student; biology major Junior, part time HEB
(Other helpful info)
Hometown: Kyle, TX
1. "It really hasn't affected me because HEB doesn't lay anybody off. I really don't worry about losing my job, and I still get raises."
2. "No, I'm on loans. It covers my tuition. Later on, it will probably have an affect. But not right now."
3. "We try to eat at home more, buy more groceries more than we used to. We still eat out and go to the movies as much as before, though."
4. "I think if we didn't help out the lower class as much as we do, we could allocate money across all classes."

My (your) name: Chase Hunter
Source Name: Reggie Williams
Race: Black
Gender: Male
Age: 18-25
Occupation: Student studying Theatre Arts & part-time worker at Dollar General
Income: Low-income
(Other helpful info)
Hometown: Austin, TX
1. "I feel sorrow for everyone else, because I haven't felt the effects of the downturn."
2. "No, it hasn't affect me at all. My grants cover my entire tuition."
3. "I haven't adjusted any spending habits. Fast food is usually what I eat."
4. "I guess you could always lower rates for interests. That way we can gradually get better. Or we could even wipe out everyone's debts completely."

Diverse Sources

My (your) name: Connie Gonzalez
Source Name: Laura Hines
Race: Anglo
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Occupation: Student (sophomore), Education Major, part-time job as a telemarketer
Hometown: Mabank, TX
Income: Low Income

Q1: “My parents support me so how they have been able to provide for me in the past is not exactly what they are able to do for me now. They are struggling to pay for school for me now, when they used to be able to just give me anything. We were all spoiled with our money, but now we are really frugal with what we spend”

Q2: “Yes! My parents are having a hard time putting up the money because they have gotten pay cuts in their jobs. My mom has her own business so she is struggling to get clients, because nobody has money to pay for anything. Now they barely have money for my school.”

Q3: “I have but not like I should have. Well I had to get a job, that was a big thing, and I have been more conscientious of what I’m spending my money on and everything is so expensive I feel like all the money disappears. With gas being so expensive and that I have to buy that, and I have to buy groceries so there goes that money. So I don’t have money to just go shopping anymore.”

Q4: “Well I’m not a genius I really don’t know what should be done. I have no idea how to fix this. If I knew I would be right up on that.”

My (your) name: Connie Gonzalez
Source Name: Matt Norby
Race: Anglo
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Occupation: Student (junior) studying political science
Income: Can't determine

Q1: “I’m dependent on my parents and they are making less money right now and it’s causing problems for my family right now, and it is making it difficult to pay for tuition. I’m trying to look for a job right now to help them out.”

Q2: “It’s not really in my hands, but it limited my school choices”

Q3: “Definitely a lot less spending on things that aren’t necessities. I still have to pay for necessities like groceries, so it cut out a lot of my fun like anything recreational. I don’t go out as much or go eat out anymore; instead I have to cook a lot more.”

Q4: “I think more jobs need to be created because a lot of people have lost their jobs. People need to be spending more money instead of saving to create more jobs.”

My (your) name: Connie Gonzalez
Source Name: Temitayo Gidado
Race: Black
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Occupation: Student (Senior) studying Exercise and Sports Science, On-campus Resident Assistant
Hometown: Washington D.C.
Income: Low Income

Q1: “It honestly has not affected me.”

Q2: “I personally don’t think the economy has affected me because I already had a job before the economy took a major hit, and due to the fact that I don’t pay for my college tuition, it hasn’t affected how I pay for school.”

Q3: “Yeah. Prices are going up and I have to save more money to pay for everything. I use a lot of my old clothes rather than buying new things. I don’t buy water because I have a water fountain. I don’t buy snacks because I don’t need them and can’t pay for them. I actually stopped buying and drinking soda.”

Q4: “The government should create more jobs and security because people need jobs to pay for their bills and security since people can’t pay their bills they turn to robbing other to get by. Since the economy is bad we need more security to keep from being robbed. It is a proven fact that there is more crime since the economy has gone bad.”

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Hello, gang! This is your new, shiny class blog!

We will use it extensively later in the semester, but for now we will use it for our DIVERSE SOURCES ASSIGNMENT as part of Story #2.

Once you've collected your interviews, you will go home and post them to the blog so all your classmates can see / use them. Use the format below as a general guideline.

You will interview 3 people and ask them each 4 questions and post all 3 people's quotes here. When you write the story, you will use 6 people total, whoever you want from the blog postings. If you have any questions at all, just email me :)

My (your) name: Student Jones
Source Name: Suzie Q. Rhodes
Race: Hispanic
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Occupation: Student studying microbiology & part-time gas station clerk at Valero
Income: Low-income
(Other helpful info)
Hometown: Harker Heights, Texas
1. blah blah blah useful info blah blah interesting info
2. blah blah blah useful info blah blah interesting info
3. blah blah blah useful info blah blah interesting info
4. blah blah blah useful info blah blah interesting info
(quotes this short are 9 times out of 10 not helpful, FYI)

Suzie's email is and her phone number is xxx-xxxx

When you actually write your Story #2, NOT ALL THE INFO ABOVE WILL BE USED WHEN YOU DESCRIBE YOUR SOURCES. What do I mean by this? You won't reference to Rhodes as a poor Hispanic girl in your story, you will say she is a 22-year-old clerk at Valero studying microbiology . (Unless the story is about race/social classes, that info is unnecessary and slightly racist) The only reason we have included it here is to see HOW DIVERSE YOUR SOURCES ARE. So know the difference between the information you use IN the story and info you use to see how DIVERSE your story is.